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Hey, my name is Emily. I’m currently 13 years old. I found out I had scoliosis in 2019. My doctor noticed I didn’t “look quite right.” She then sent me to Dr. Ryan Goodwin. They took an X-ray of me and found out I had a curve of 30 degrees. I was braved for a little longer than a year until my curve went from around 20 to 40 degrees. We decided to go with the VBT surgery for me. I had the surgery on October 23, 2020. I recovered great but I still get back pain.

I’ve been in Curvy Girls since 2019 only a few months after we found out I had scoliosis. Since then I’ve showed up to nearly every meeting. The group helped me feel more comfortable with my old brace and gave me more confidence. I find myself educating my classmates sometimes on my scoliosis. I’m excited to co-lead with not only my previous leader but my friend who helped me throughout my whole scoliosis journey.

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