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Hello, my name is Katie. I am 17 years old and have been a CG Leader for 9 years! I enjoy being on the high school swim team, riding my horse, surfing in the summer, snowboarding in the winter, and hanging out with family and friends.  I was diagnosed with idiopathic scoliosis in July 2013. My mom noticed that my right shoulder blade came out a little further than my left, so she pointed it out to my pediatrician at my 8- year well check. My doctor said that I had scoliosis, so she had me get x-rays. When my doctor called later that day, she said I had a 17-degree curve and a 15-degree curve and that I needed to see an orthopedist. My mom researched scoliosis, so we thought the doctor would just keep an eye on my back. But no, we were wrong! The orthopedist said that I had an S shaped curve that was 34 degrees on top and 27 degrees on the bottom. He said I would need to go to Shriners Hospital in Portland to get a brace. I was scared. When we went to Shriners Hospital, I had to get another X-ray. I was on the verge of needing surgery, so Dr. Krajbich said that I needed a Boston Brace and sent me to see Don, an orthotist. I was scared and overwhelmed. I had so many questions in my head. What would it feel like? Would it hurt? I was worried about how it would change my life. Don was gentle and kind and I liked that he asked me questions, not Mom. He told me what he was going to do before he did it and always made sure I was okay with what was happening. Don let me pick a tattoo for my brace. I picked butterflies! When I first got my brace it was so tight! My tummy wasn’t used to it; I itched and it was hard to sit down. After a few months I got used to wearing my brace. I wore it for 21 to 23 hours each day. Even though wearing a brace can be frustrating, I am glad my body is healthy and I can enjoy life! After four years of being braced, my spine has corrected and I am no longer braced! My curves are now 14 and under 12 degrees. I have had the honor to be Shrines East Queen for Shriners' football game! My church asked me to speak about the miracle God worked on my back and how prayer works. Curvy Girls continue to seek help and insight with their situations and I have been able to help the best I can.  

I love being a Curvy Girls' Leader so I can learn, connect and encourage my girls to live a healthy life! If you would like to be a part of our group, contact me!

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